Kaina, our webcam/phone church, will meet on Sunday, September 24th at 2:00 pm EDT.
The reading is from Divine Love and Wisdom 146-162 . If you would like access to this reading, have questions, or would like to pay us a visit via phone or webcam, please contact us at [email protected].

There is much talk about the earliest universe, as the James Webb Space Telescope provides amazing data from far away and long ago. It has detected a star, Earendel, about 28 billion light-years away, meaning that what we are observing is the star as it existed 28 billion years ago.
The origin of the universe will, though, not be revealed by the Webb telescope, as amazing as its discoveries might be. Creation begins from God. Our reading for this Sunday speaks of the creation of the universe by the Lord. And this creation took place by means of the spiritual sun.