Closing of Our Current Program

I have been running Swedenborg-Atlanta for quite a number of years now, but having had a major health crisis last year and also generally getting older, my wife and I will be moving from Atlanta to the Philadelphia area in a number of months so as to be closer to family.

With all that is involved in moving, I will not be holding any more meetings until after I am settled once again. I am hoping that at that point I will be able to get a program going again, though a number of us think it might be good to try something different – a weekday evening discussion group as opposed to a Sunday afternoon service and discussion. Geographical location is not really a major factor when it comes to programs on the Internet, but it would seem sensible to change the name of this ministry to, perhaps, Swedenborg-Hatboro or something similar. It

I cannot say for sure what will emerge from this move, but I will let people know via our listserv later on. If you are not on this list server and would like to be kept informed, our contact email is on the bottom left of this website. Let us know and we will add you. Thank you for your support.

In His Name,


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