Our webcam/phone church, Kaina, will meet on Sunday, August 13th at 2:00 pm EDT.
The reading is fromĀ Divine Love and Wisdom 119-134. If you would like access to this reading, have questions, or would like to pay us a visit via phone or webcam, please contact us atĀ [email protected].
Heaven is huge, filled with so many different kinds of people, people who have believed in God and lived a life of good. And because of this wonderful variety, these angels live in many different parts of heaven. This is something the Lord Himself taught when He was on earth.
In My Father’s house are many mansions; . . .
John 14:2.
Our reading for this Sunday speaks of the different parts of heaven, and of how those in each part have a varying relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of heaven. Each angel has a place they call home.