October 22nd, 2023

Kaina, our webcam/phone church, will meet on Sunday, October 22nd at 2:00 pm EDT.

The reading is fromĀ Divine Love and Wisdom 167-178. If you would like access to this reading, have questions, or would like to pay us a visit via phone or webcam, please contact us atĀ [email protected].

This Sunday we discuss the grand circle of creation, in which the Lord’s creative force reaches out to create the universe, and creates all things down to the very soil of the earth. From there creation reaches upwards through plants, animals, and then through human beings there arises a conjunction between God and His creation.

Following this we turn to a discussion of the spiritual world, a world in which there is also an atmosphere, sea and land. It is a very real world but with a spiritual rather than a natural origin.

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